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Privacy Policy

All data collected through the various forms on our website are intended solely and exclusively for regular interaction resulting from the contracting of our services, and are only used internally. The personal information collected may include your name, email, telephone and/or cell phone number, address, date of birth and/or other

ELENDE guarantees total confidentiality of our users' personal data, the data provided is considered private and is not transferred, rented or sold to third parties for any reason, except in the existence of legal compliance in the context of investigations or legal orders to that effect.

Communications with customers via email or customer panel and any information exchanged occur on both sides within the scope of the commercial relationship established and are considered necessary and an integral part of the type of service.

This website operates in accordance with Angolan laws. Any dispute relating to the same will be regulated by current legislation.

Data access

Only the customer has the right to request the change/correction or deletion of their personal data, ELENDE allows you at any time during the commercial relationship to change and/or update your information in a non-binding and secure manner. For obvious reasons, this area is protected and the connection is encrypted, thus providing a high degree of security and restricted access. Data is deleted when expressly requested by the outgoing customer or when the ELENDE customer area account is deleted by the outgoing customer.


For statistical and traffic analysis reasons on our website, we collect some non-personal information, such as IP, browser type, visit time and which pages you viewed within our website.

 Cookies and Web Beacons

We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our website. This may include a simple popup, or a link to various services we provide, such as forums.

You have the power to turn off your cookies, in your browser options, or by making changes to Antivirus program tools, such as Norton Internet Security. However, this may change the way you interact with our website or other websites. This may affect or prevent you from logging into programs, websites or forums on our and other networks.

 Links to Third Party Sites

ELENDE has links to other websites, which, in our opinion, may contain useful information/tools for our visitors. Our privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites, so if you visit another website from ours, you should read its privacy policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content present on these sites.

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